EasyVisi with CAATs and Machine Learning extension simplifies data visualization and analysis. Alternative to Excel and SQL. Connects directly to Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Firebird or Access database. Free demo available.


with CAATs and Machine Learning extension

Data Visualization and Queries have never been so easy

No need to select ranges in an Excel spreadsheet, no risk that the Excel spread sheet is accidentally modified.
No need to write complex queries in SQL, no need for any programming knowledge at all

EasyVisi 64bit for Windows

EasyVisi with EasyCAATs extension is our flagship product and includes features that support Computer Assisted Audit Techniques.
With EasyVisi, data analysis is as simple as importing a CSV or Excel file, or directly connect to an Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Firebird or Access database.

Create charts to professionally display data. Easily choose between different chart types:
Multi series chart - Line Blue Multi series chart - Area Blue Multi series chart - Bars Blue

Multi series charts to compare figures, 2D or 3D, with different color schemes or background themes:
Multi series chart - Line Multi series chart - Area Multi series chart - Bars

At the click of a button users can
- sort on multiple fields simultaneously
- add multiple filters
- generate group totals of various types
- generate advanced charts to visually compare multiple data series
- create Management Information reports to assist with important decisions
- create exception reports to identify outliers or invalid data
- save a report as a pdf file or send to printer
- create a Dashboard of visually striking charts.

For advanced queries, the Custom formula function allows one to easily create multiple formulas.
Transfer the contents of the current query to a second grid where you could perform another level of sorting, filtering or group totals.
The CAATs extension adds audit specific features, including stratification based on user defined ranges, sampling,
Benford's testing, gap analysis, identifying duplicate records and extremes.

EasyVisi WebApp

EasyVisi Web version (64bit) also supports Machine Learning, including
- Regression models: Multivariate Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Neural Network, Neuro Genetic and
- Classification models: K-Nearest Neighbors, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, C4.5, ID3, CART, Support Vector Machine, Neural Network, Neuro Genetic.
- Regressor/Classification Summary compares the predictive accuracy of various models, making it easy to identify the model that is most suitable for a specific data set.
- Combined model allows multiple models to be run in parallel and combining the result into a single output that represents the knowledge of all models.
- All algorithms written in 100% C++ for fast execution.
- Ideal tool for data science students & research

E-mail us at support@easyvisi.com if you want to test drive our demo - 30 day free trail with Tutorial to get you up to speed in no time

EasyVisi with EasyCAATs extension simplifies data visualization and analysis EasyVisi with EasyCAATs extension simplifies data visualization and analysis EasyVisi with EasyCAATs extension simplifies data visualization and analysis EasyVisi with EasyCAATs extension simplifies data visualization and analysis

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